

Waianae Store
Nanakuli Superette
KTA on the Big Island
VIP on Maui
Big Save on Kauai
Friendly Market on Molokai

“People can avoid plastic when possible. In today’s society there are alternatives, but often times they are very expensive alternatives. And this is why we founded Malama Eco Products. We wanted to create products that are compostable, biodegradable, degradable and come from renewable and sustainable sources. For example, our resealable bag are 97 percent degradable. That means that after three to five years, only 3 percent is left. The other 97 percent breaks down to its natural form, which is a plant-based polymer. I know that three to five years sounds like a long time, but the regular resealable bags last hundreds of years and never breakdown. They break into small bits and pieces, poisoning our sea life and accelerating climate change.”

–David Pang, Owner