Malama Eco Products is doing it’s part to help our environment one plate and fork at a time. Each product is different, but let’s start with the compostable items.
They fall into two categories: our serving ware and our utensils.
The plates, takeout containers and bowls are made from sugarcane pulp. Have you ever gone to an open market, and gotten a fresh cup of sugarcane drink?
They pulp used to be thrown away or burned to generate electricity, which can cause air pollution. Now, it taken and turned it into these items that don’t leak and will hold up to even a big batch of chili or chicken long rice.
The resealable bags are made from a product called D2W.
This is a hybrid of plant-based polymers and a small bit of traditional plastic.
The bags are 97 percent degradable, which means after a few years, 97 percent goes back to the dirt.
The state brings in well over 100 million paper plates per year, which is the equivalent to cutting down well over 200,000 trees.
Why would you do that when you can pick up Malama Eco Plates at stores statewide? And for the same price?
When Malama Eco was founded, they wanted to offer people a chance to go green without paying extra. YOU can find these items at just about every grocery or drugstore statewide.
For more information call 808-486-4546 or a store near you for your Malama Eco Products.